What would you do if...? (2º ano)

Hello! :) 

Façamos um exercício de hipóteses, condições. É o que estamos estudando nesta unidade 2, certo? Leia as questões e reflita sobre elas. Algumas são engraçadas e mais descontraídas, outras exigem mais reflexão. Responda em inglês até o dia 16/07/2019 na parte dos comentários. Se preferir, envie as respostas para o seguinte e-mail: jaimeteacher19@gmail.com.


1) What would you do if you could rule the world? 

2) What would you do if you saw an Alien?

3) If you found Alladin´s lamp, what would be your three wishes?

4) If you could ask your future self from the year 2050 one question, what would it be?

5) You’re walking in a forest and you found a Black Suitcase. Inside it, holds 1 Million Dollar and a piece of paper stained in blood with a single word “Don’t”. What would you do?

Sejam criativos. Usem à vontade modais como "would", "could" e verbos irregulares. Let´s go! 

Simples: ao final desta postagem, você encontra a palavra "comentário". Clique nela e uma janela se abrirá para que sua resposta seja digitada e enviada - demais instruções estarão lá. Não esqueça de colocar seu nome completo.  :) 


Patricia Fonseca Da Silva. Serie 2 ano A disse…
1-Resposta=l would transform into a better world than today without diseases,without war and without hunger.

2-Resposta=l got so scared

3-Resposta=1:would ask for infinite orders
2:that there were no more diseases in the world
3:that there was no inequality

4-Resposta=l'd ask if l'll be alive by then

5-Resposta=l left running without looking back
David Santana cruz 2 ano vespertino disse…
1 I would exterminate deu trafficking.
2 I would kilo him.
3 I want to have lots of money, Peace, cheers.
4 How das the Police in Brasil?
5 Take the money and throw the papel away.
Naiury Batista disse…
1)R: I would do everything to change violence in the world.
2)R:I would start in despair.
3)R:I would ask to be rich, to have eternal life, and very intelligence.
4)R:I would like to have all my dreams had been performed until there.
5)R:I'd leave the badger, and i'd leave running.
Maria Eduarda Martins da Conceição, 2 ano disse…
1- It would give more opportunity to anyone who to anyone who needed.

2- Notify the authirities.

3-It would be free food, be rich and eat without gaining weight.

4- I managed to achieve everthing I wanted?

5- Call or notify the police.
Lorena da Costa dos Santos 2°ano A vespertino disse…
1 = I'd reduce the number of politicians, lower their salaries, raise the minimum wage and improve the quality of life of all, create psychological care centers for all and better hospitals, reduce taxes.

2 = I'd run as fast as I possible, if I did not faint before I even thought about running

3 = I'd like to be a billionaire, to always be happy and have 10 more wishes performed

4 = I'd ask if I got it performed one of my dreams.

5 = I'd get the suitcase and leave quickly
Mayane França Lima 2° ano vespertino disse…
1 I would, at the outset, eliminate religious intoleranst and criminals. 2- I would ask for a selfie. 3- I would make three more requests in each of them and only then would I ask to fulfill my wishes. 4- I was going to ask how we got there inn 2050. 5- I would certainly try to communicate with my deities to make the best decision.
Marcelle Cavalcante Soares 2° ano Vespertino disse…
1- I would improve the eduacation of the world. 2- I would run desperately. 3- I would order a cell phone, a new house and a scholarship in a college. 4- I was going to ask if we could make our plans. 5- I was going to pretend I had nothing written, get the suitcase and run away.
Unknown disse…
1-would have more punishment for the fishermen

2-I would be afraid and ask lots of questions

3-I would ask 3 more wishes for peace in the world and endless happiness

4-when my mother is going to die

5-I would take the money
Unknown disse…
Washington Vitor 2 ano

1-the laws would be very severe

2-I would cry

3-long life for all that makes me well

4-if I would be a good person

5-I would not get
Unknown disse…
1 - would make everyone rich
2- I took a picture with him and you did not know
3- get rich, own the world, and end hunger
4- I'm going to die when?
5- I would take her with me and deliver the police.

Aldo Santos.
Unknown disse…
Kevin Lucas

1-financial equality


3-money, women and peace

4-who we married

5-I would not get
Laila Calila Silva Oliveira disse…
1- I would end the world's hunger.

2- I would panic.

3- get rich, be a tiger when I want, always fly.

4- I'm going to get rich.

5- I would not keep the money.
Vitor Pereira da Silva disse…
=investing more in health and education
=would run to a basement
= 1= I wanted to have the qi of 280/2 = have a value carrier / 3 = one car of each model
=What kinds of cachaça I was still going to
=I would take the bag and throw the paper away.
Unknown disse…
*Victória Lúcia Baptista 2°vesp*

1°= I would do the world with equality an respect.

2°= I would take a Photo and run.

3°= I would ask for 3 more wishes.

4°= I would ask if build family.

5°= I would get.
Jadson Carlos disse…
*Jadson Carlos da Silva Santos 2°ano A Vespertino*

1) What would you do if you could rule the world?

R: l'd would transform better world

2) What would you do if you saw an Alien?

R: I'd run fast as

3) If you found Alladin´s lamp, what would be your three wishes?

R: I'd like to be a rich, to always be happy and to have eternal life

4) If you could ask your future self from the year 2050 one question, what would it be?

R: I'd ask if My mother would be alive.

5) You’re walking in a forest and you found a Black Suitcase. Inside it, holds 1 Million Dollar and a piece of paper stained in blood with a single word “Don’t”. What would you do?

R: I'd get the suitcase
rafael das neves de almeida disse…
1-I would leave the world my way.
2-I would try to talk.
3-1 millionaire
the other wishes would guard.
4-if I was happy in this life.
5-threw the paper away and took the money.
Maurício disse…
Nome: Maurício Vasconcelos Costa dos Santos, Série: 2º ano

1 - I would put more schools for better education
2 - I would die of a heart attack without doubt
3 - I made a request for 3 more points and guaranteed the other two bolsonaro saisse of the presidency
4 - I'd ask if I'd be alive by then.
5 - I would burn the stained paper and disappear with 1 million dollars. He'd be really rich, he'd get a jet.
Angelo Gabriel disse…
1_ I would do the world to have more knownledge.

2- I would say "hello".

3- I would like to be wise, have a good health and i can realize my own wishes.

4- I would ask, "I found that?"

5- I would run...maybe.
Angelo Gabriel disse…
1- I would do the world to have more knownledge.

2- I would say "hello".

3- I would like to be wise, have a good health and i can realize my own wishes.

4- I would ask, "I found that?"

5- I would run...maybe.